Pamela Pinto - musician, teacher and journalist


Progetto pianistico-musicale PSYCHEDELIA

"Psychedelia" is a UNIQUE project which, conceived and conceived for primary and secondary school not with a musical orientation, aims at piano-musical training in its artistic, aesthetic and bio-psychic-social overallity.

The "Psychedelia" project is currently being tested at the Istituto Comprensivo Via Libertà in San Donato Milanese (MI), in the form of a PTOF music enhancement project.

In 2020 the collaboration between the “Psychedelia” piano-musical project and the "Nuova Coppa Pianisti" international competition was born, welcoming their objectives. A support that translates into the possibility of having scholarships that can be spent in high-level piano masterclasses and the opportunity to participate for free in the Competition after an audition.


Critic award: best audience engagement

This is a particular formula that becomes a corollary of a piano-musical project, currently being tested at the Istituto Comprensivo Via Libertà in San Donato Milanese (MI), from which it takes its name, Psychedelia ".

The Psychedelia Award refers to specific evaluation parameters (quality of performance, artist's hold on stage, communication skills and involvement of the wide audience, personality and look) and to a particular type of vote, divided into percentages: we have from a side the quality jury, with a weight of 50%; on the other, the jury of enthusiasts and connoisseurs (20%), the jury of very young people (20%) and the popular jury with the vote of approval on social media (10%). The finalists of the Prize, chosen from among the already excellent finalists who passed the first evaluation by the ordinary jury of the Cup, submitted to the opinion of a further quality jury that includes journalists, editors and / or critics of the sector, musicians and / or musicologists and other important professional figures / cultural operators in the artistic-musical and entertainment scene.

"23 anni, nata in Giappone e residente in Canada, si è aggiudicata, con un totale di 82 punti, la prima edizione, incontrando il più alto gradimento della giuria popolare".

il Resto del Carlino


QUALITY JURY - 1st edition 2021

Enrico Girardi - musicologo, docente universitario, critico musicale del “Corriere della Sera”;

Luigi Maiello - compositore Rai, musicologo, docente universitario, blogger de “Il Fatto Quotidiano”;

Alan Palmieri - direttore artistico e conduttore “Radionorba” e “Battiti Live”(mediaset);

Paolo Zecchini - cofondatore Zecchini Editore, Rivista “Musica”;

Gianluca Luisi - direttore artistico “Nuova Coppa Pianisti”, presidente della “Polo Music” management;

Cristina Altamura - impresaria, fondatrice di “Legacy Arts International”, direttrice associata USA “Osimo International Piano Competition”;

Pamela Pinto - musicista, docente e giornalista, fondatrice del “Progetto pianistico-musicale Psychedelia” e del “Premio Psychedelia”, vicedirettrice artistica “Nuova Coppa Pianisti”.




Istituto Comprensivo “Galateo-Frigole” – Lecce a.s. 2017-2018

"Spigoli rotondi" was born with the intention of creating an original artistic-musical work that comes to life from an introspective and social journey through slow thinking: a journey into the mind to look at the world from another perspective; a journey into the world of bicycles to immerse yourself in a slower vision of reality and spontaneously induce the observer to reflect on the surrounding world with a "different lens"; a journey into one's own ideas to realize how one can contribute to improving the world while standing still; a journey into oneself where to look in the imagination to widen the weight of the imagination by stimulating divergent thinking; a journey in which knowledge becomes competence, living history, therefore culture, realization and fulfillment of one's being, personal success, sharing, lifestyle.


Istituto Comprensivo "Via Libertà" - San Donato Milanese (MI) a.s. 2019-2020

COVID-19, PHASE 1. The students of the "Psychedelia" piano-musical project recount, through art, the days spent at home and the particularly difficult period experienced all over the world: feeling "part of the whole", each of them expressed their feelings with music , words, interpretation.